PRD GROUP — Your partner in China
PRD GROUP is a Finnish owned boutique China business consulting firm. Dozens of European companies have benefited from our services in developing their presence or running operations in China. Our services have included for example establishing companies, partner search and negotiations, intellectual property protection, and sourcing.
Our network includes corporate lawyers, accounting firms, and other professionals we work together to provide the best service to clients. The roots of our network reach to the year 2002 and consist of hundreds of companies, organisations, and people.
Advisory services in China
We provide expert services case by case, but the best way to benefit from our expertise if we work together for long-term. We can even join your company board of directors or advisory board to make sure your company’s management has the latest information.
Company incorporation and compliance in China
We establish companies in China (over 50 so far) and also make sure that the companies operate legally fulfilling all government-mandated obligations. Our clients do not need to worry if the tax man comes for a visit as everything is always well-organized and correct.
Sourcing office in China
Sourcing office in China is very valuable especially now when international travelling is impossible. We can prevent small problems in China becoming big problems in Europe. Many things are easier to handle face-to-face at the factory. Quality control saves money.
Blog insights
Responsible sourcing from China
Sourcing from China is no more responsible or irresponsible than, say, Sweden. Oh, how so? Let me tell you. Responsible sourcing is based on knowledge of supply chains. A product purchased from Sweden can also
China public holidays for 2022
There are currently seven official public holidays in Mainland China. The public holidays are the same every year but since they often follow the lunar calendar, the exact dates are different and adjusted accordingly every
PRD GROUP introduction video
PRD GROUP is a China business consulting and business service provider based in the Greater Bay Area, which includes cities such as Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.
Company service license renewed
Our company renewed the Trust or Company Service Provider Licence after the initial 3-year period. This licence is mandatory for service providers who establish companies and provide them company secretarial services in Hong Kong. Our
Pearl River Delta
Pearl River Delta is an area in Guangdong province in Southern China. It is the wealthiest area in China and a traditional place for international business in China. The area consists of: Guangzhou (the capital
Holidays in Hong Kong 2020
Hong Kong is part of China, but as a special administrative region, it has its own holiday calendar. There are more holidays in Hong Kong in 2020 but they are shorter than the holidays in